Publications in Educational Conferences

Here is a list of our publications, communications and talks in educational conferences and events:

  • InventEUrs. Fostering Invention-Based Collaborative Learning for Social Change. Talk at Scratch2017BDX (European Scratch Conference 2017), Bordeaux (France). 19 – 21st July 2017. [Link]
  • Playful Coding – creative way to embed enterprise into schools, talk at IEEC 2018 (Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education on a Global Scale), Leeds (UK), September 5-7 2018. [Link]
  • InventEUrs - Changemaker Education for the 21st Century: Engaging newly arrived migrants in Europe through Global Citizenship Education and Collaborative Digital Storytelling. Talk and Paper at INTED 2019, Valencia (Spain). [Link]

And there are some more contributions to conferences upcoming:

  • 4th Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference, Kingston University, UK, July 2019.
  • Scratch Conference Europe 2019, Cambridge, UK, August 2019:
    • “Creating connected learning worlds with Scratch – the InventEUrs and social inclusion stories” accepted as an Ignite talk.
    • “Digital Confidence through co-creating stories using Scratch – connecting teachers, learners and communities” accepted as a presentation.
  • ALT Annual Conference 2019 – Data, Dialogue, Doing, University of Edinburgh, September 2019:
    • “Learning through play - the InventEUrs digital storytelling project”.