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Here is a list of our publications, communications and talks in educational conferences and events:
InventEUrs. Fostering Invention-Based Collaborative Learning for Social Change. Short talk at Scratch2017BDX (European Scratch Conference 2017), Bordeaux (France). 19 – 21st July 2017. [link to event webpage]
From Inventors4Change to InventEUrs: Scratch, Virtual Exchanges and Education for Global Citizenship (In Catalan: D’Inventors4Change a InventEUrs: Scratch, Intercanvis Virtuals i Educació per a la Ciutadania Global). Talk at IX Jornada de Programació i Robòtica Educatives (JPRE17), Citilab, Cornellà (Spain). 20th May, 2017. [link to event webpage]