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Inventors4Change connects children from around the world and encourages them to become agents of change in their communities with the help of Technologies for Creative Learning and Digital Media tools.
The BRIGHTS “Boosting Global Citizenship Education using digital storytelling” project aims to foster social cohesion and promote intercultural dialogue and democratic values in Europe.
MEET (Media Education for Equity and Tolerance) is a project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. It aims at promoting a critical and inter-cultural understanding as well as an aware use of media among young citizens in multicultural public schools and democratic societies.
Coloured Glasses: Expanding Intercultural Education is a project funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. In particular, this project aims to upscale, disseminate and implement the concept of Coloured Glasses (analogy of the sunglasses as the cultural filters through which people observe and interpret reality) through workshops in secondary schools, both for students and teachers.schools and democratic societies.
Tinkering: Contemporary Education for Innovators of Tomorrow’ (‘Tinkering EU’) is a strategic partnership funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It aims to implement Tinkering as an innovative pedagogy at European level by creating a Europe-wide community of practitioners and encouraging exchange of expertise and practice between formal and informal learning institutions.
LA FOAD : une démarche à renforcer, pAr, pouR et avEc les formateurs (DARE !) is a mobility project for education and vocational training staff (Erasmus+ KA1) led by Infrep in consortium with the Ligue de l'enseignement et Poinfor. The project addresses the issue of open and distance learning. It allowed 18 trainers (6 per consortium structure) to participate in two mobility/training periods with two European structures that are experts in FOAD.
ETHICSBOARD is an Erasmus+ project that will enable students to develop and promote entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial skills and Portfolios, ensure the benefits of an early childhood education, help develop critical and innovative thinking, and above all improve collaboration between schools and parents’ association.