ChangeMaker Education for the 21st Century: Engaging newly arrived migrants in Europe through Global Citizenship Education and Collaborative Digital Storytelling

The Kidblog is an online tool we use to give children a voice. It is a space where children, grouped in teams, can introduce themselves, share their research, debate among themselves, and work together to co-create their stories. Below you can check the posts published by children in the latest editions of the project:
Our blog
By inventEUrs
At Veïnat School we introduced the topic “the travel” through Catalan poets and their poems as a metaphor and was…
By inventEUrs
We are happy to have been included in I-LINC best practices repository, a selection of outstanding initiatives in the fields…
By inventEUrs
Our Spanish team went to Bordeaux (France) to present the project InventEUrs at the European Scratch Conference 2017 (#Scratch2017BDX), 18-21…