From this October 2019 to March 2020, GlobalChangemakers is connecting again schools in several countries, promoting education for global citizenship, connected learning, and creative computing. During this school year, the […]
Closure of the project and future steps
The InventEUrs project came to the end of the phase in which it has been funded by the European Commission, but from now on our GlobalChangemakers platform and our MOOC […]
4th project meeting in London
On the 11th and 12th of July, we had our 4th project meeting in London called “Information sharing and decision making meeting”. Although we worked a lot, we also had […]
Third wave final projects on Sustainability
Now that we’re already closing our project, we can show some of the final products that children’s teams made using Scratch. These are projects that they have co-created through pairs […]
Co-creating Stories: scripts, artworks and coding with Scratch
After the first phases and the winter break, the participating teams in the 3rd Wave are already fully engaged in the creation of digital stories about sustainability. Presentations and research […]
Teams get to know each other and start interacting
In the few weeks GlobalChangemakers has been up and running, teachers and children have been working hard! After matching the schools and classes, the teams of children have been introducing […]
3rd project wave has started!
38 classes from 8 different countries (a total of 1011 students) are participating in the first edition of the globalchangemakers platform. For 15 weeks, teachers & children will research on […]
GlobalChangemakers. Call for teachers
We are very happy to start the final phase of our project. From now on teachers participating in InventEUrs will be able to use the GlobalChangemakers platform, which will automatize […]
GlobalChangemakers platform is about to be open to the world!
Are you an enthusiastic, innovative, lover of new ways of teaching and engaging your students? If so, keep reading! On the 24th of september we will launch a call to […]
LSBU has been shortlisted for the Times Higher Education Awards 2018
LSBU presented the InventEUrs project in the Widening Participation or Outreach Initiative of the Year category and today has been announced it is one of the finalist. The “THE Awards” […]