We already started the virtual exchanges between schools. The purpose of these first connections is to let the children to introduce themselves, their schools and start doing cultural exchange. So far there have been two videoconferences. On May 30 students in 2nd grade from Romania (Constantin Ianculesco School) and students in 4th grade from Spain (Escola Veïnat) met for the first time; and on June 8 students in grade 7th from Romania (Constantin Ianculescu School) and students of high school (Istituto G. Giovagnoli) also had their first connection.
Participating children introduced themselves, talked about their cities, their countries, they practiced English, they learned words and expressions in Catalan, Romanian and Italian, but above all, they had a great time!
The following weeks they will continue their work about the Travel topic in their KidBlog. In September they will start their collaborative work and will create and share animations, stories and computer games.