At Veïnat School we introduced the topic “the travel” through Catalan poets and their poems as a metaphor and was been very enriching. As a example, to talk about inner […]
Uncategorized @ro
InventEUrs included in I-LINC best practices repository on employability, entrepreneurship and digital skills
We are happy to have been included in I-LINC best practices repository, a selection of outstanding initiatives in the fields of digital skills, entrepreneurship and employability. The repository serves as […]
Presenting InventEUrs at #Scratch2017BDX
Our Spanish team went to Bordeaux (France) to present the project InventEUrs at the European Scratch Conference 2017 (#Scratch2017BDX), 18-21 July. The Scratch Conference is a unique opportunity to meet […]
Reflecting on Travel
Over the next few days, children from the first 4 participating countries will share their opinions and findings on the topic of Travel. They do this to start exchanging ideas […]
3rd project wave has started!
38 classes from 8 different countries (a total of 1011 students) are participating in the first edition of the globalchangemakers platform. For 15 weeks, teachers & children will research on […]
First virtual exchanges between schools
We already started the virtual exchanges between schools. The purpose of these first connections is to let the children to introduce themselves, their schools and start doing cultural exchange. So […]
Teams get to know each other and start interacting
In the few weeks GlobalChangemakers has been up and running, teachers and children have been working hard! After matching the schools and classes, the teams of children have been introducing […]
The InventEUrs Project takes its first steps
Kick-Off meeting in Girona (March 2017). After a successful kick-off meeting in Girona last March, the project partners (both universities and schools) are taking their first steps. Teacher training in […]
Starting the second wave!
We have completed the first of the three „waves” (iterations) of our project. Only one school from each country participated in the first wave, but now new schools are entering […]